Astrophysics (Index)About

scatter plot

(plot of points within two dimensions)

A scatter plot is a plot of points over two dimensions. The eye easily discerns up regions of high density (i.e., sets of plotted points for which both values are similar), outliers, and correlations between the two values. Numerous astrophysics-related diagrams are or can be scatter plots, such as H-R diagrams and Hubble diagrams. Three-dimensional scatter plots are also common, using perspective. Under computer control, three-dimensional scatter plots can be rotated, making the positions within space of the plot points clearer. A scatter plot matrix is a set of plots, each showing just two of the dimensions, arranged as a matrix according to the dimensions displayed in each plot: for example, four dimensions could be shown with sixteen such plots arranged in a square, so each row of plots is for one of the four dimensions as is each column of plots.

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