Richard M. Foxx - Non-Autism Books of Interest

Disability and Related Books

Nathan H. Azrin & Richard M. Foxx.
Toilet Training in Less than a Day. This book, generally aimed at parents of typical children, describes techniques to help potty training that may be of benefit to autistic children. It also has an appendix outlining some of the authors' experiences with children with special needs. ISBN: 0671693808 (paperback, 198 pages, reissue edition, Pocket Books 1989). [general,parent]
Richard M. Foxx & Nathan H. Azrin.
Toilet Training Persons with Developmental Disabilities: A Rapid Program for Day and Nighttime Independent Toileting (Research Press, 1993). ISBN: 0878220259 ; ISBN: 9995355620 (paperback). [disability,mr]
Martin J. McMorrow & Richard M. Foxx.
Looking for the Words, Teaching Functional Language Strategies (Research Press, 1986). ISBN: 0878222847 . [se]

Non-autism but related books by Richard M. Foxx.