Non-Autism Books of Interest - Facilitated Communication

Barbara Barker, Martha Leary, Susan Repa & Phillip Whissel.
Getting In Touch; A Workbook on Becoming a Facilitator (Madison: DRI Press, 1993). 44 page workbook. [fc]
Katharine G. Butler, editor, Douglas Biklen, editor & Rosemary Crossley, editor.
Facilitated Communication: Implications for People with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (Fredrick, MD: Aspen, 1992). Part of the series Topics in Language Disorders. Volume 12, Number 4 in the series. ISBN: 9992291087 (paperback, 98 pages). [fc]
Centre for Community Inclusion.
What Frontline Didn't Tell You (Orono, Main: Author, 1993). [fc]
A.J. Collins, ed.
Facilitated Communication: A reference book (Annandale, Va.: National Association of Private Residential Resources, 1992). [fc]
Rosemary Crossley.
Gestutzte Kommunikation : Ein Trainingsprogramm zur Kommunikationsfarderung fur Menschen mit Behinderungen (Edition Sozial, 1997). Translation of Facilitated Communication Training ISBN: 3407557965 . [fc,german]
Rosemary Crossley.
Il Metodo Della Comunicazione Facilitata (Savona, Provincia di Savona/Associazione Bambini Cerebrolesi Liguria, 1998). Translation of *Facilitated Communication Training* [fc,italian]
Rosemary Crossley & Anne McDonald.
Annie's coming out (New York: Viking Penguin, 1984). Account of a child with cerebral palsy communicating through facilitated communication. Originally 1980, Penguin, London & Melbourne. ISBN: 0140056882 . [disability,fc,account]
P. Haskew & A. Donnellan.
Emotional Maturity and Well-Being; Psychological Lessons of Facilitated Communication (Madison, Wisconsin: DRI Press, 1993). 45 pages. [fc]
Inter-Disciplinary Working Party on Issues in Severe Communication Impairment.
D.E.A.L. Communication Centre Operation; A Statement of Concern (Melbourne: Author, 1988). Collection of reports by those opposed to DEAL [fc]
Jowonio School.
First Words: Facilitated Communication and the Inclusion of Young Children (Syracuse: Author, 1992). [fc]
W. McNabb, ed.
The Handbook of Facilitated Communication (Vashon Island: Northwest Centre for Information Resources, 1992). Reprint of DEAL pamphlets [fc]
Christopher Nolan.
Under the eye of the clock. About using facilitated communication with cerebral palsy. ISBN: 1559705124 (paperback, 176 pages, due March 2000); ISBN: 1850897875 (audio cassette, 1994). [disability,fc,account]
L. Olsen, S. Gurry, A. Larkin & M. Mcsheehan.
A Training Guide to Facilitated Communication Use; implications for use with adults in community settings (Cambridge, MA.: Lesley College, 1992). 32 pages. [fc]
Sharing to Learn.
Facilitated Communication; A guide to resource materials (Thornhill, Ontario: Author, 1993). [fc]
Sharing to Learn.
Facilitated Communication; A set of readings (Thornhill, Ontario: Author, 1993). Reprints of a number of articles. [fc]
Sharing to Learn.
Facilitated Communication; A set of readings, 2nd edition (Thornhill, Ontario: Author, 1994). Reprints of a number of articles. [fc]
Annagret Shubert.
Facilitated Communication Resource Guide (1992). 240 pages. [fc]
Herman Spitz.
Nonconscious Movements: From Mystical Messages to Facilitated Communication (Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997). Skeptical of FC. 202 pages. ISBN: 0805825649 (paperback, 202 pages); ISBN: 0805825630 (hardcover). [fc,disability]
L. Stafford.
Communication Menu Handbook (Auckland, New Zealand: Longman Paul, 1993). Resource. [fc]
K. Strandt-Conroy & L. Sabin.
Making Connections: Facilitating Communicating in an Inclusive Classroom (Madison, Wisconsin: DRI Press, 1993). 43 pages. [fc,se]
Anne-Marguerite Vexiau.
Je Choisis Ta Main Pour Parler. [fc,french]