Judy Barron - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Judy Barron & Sean Barron.
There's a Boy in Here (Chapmans, 1993). Sean Barron and his mother, Judy Barron report on their experiences with autism. Sean has autism. His is one of very few autobiographical accounts. And it gives unusual, exceptionally clear insights into the disability and its many manifestations. There is much in this book that supports what has been seen through facilitated communication. ISBN: 1885477864 (paperback, 279 pages, Future Horizons, 2002); ISBN: 0671761110 (264 pages, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992); ISBN: 0380722925 (paperback, Avon Books, 1992, reprint). [autism,account]

Autism non-fiction books by Judy Barron.
