Marilyn Chassman - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Marilyn Chassman.
One-on-One: Working with Low-Functioning Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (IEP Resources, 1999). 102 pages. I think it is the same or slightly modified from Some Pieces to the Puzzle. ISBN: 157861080X (spiral-bound). [autism,lfa,se]
Marilyn Chassman.
Some Pieces to the Puzzle: Ideas for Working with Lower-Functioning Children (1998). Self-published by the author, who's a parent; as of 1/99, reportedly to be republished by Attainment spring 1999. Ideas to try with kids who struggle to master "basic" skills. A rare book dedicated to lower-functioning kids. [autism,lfa,se]

Autism non-fiction books by Marilyn Chassman.